welcome to saint charles parish

Serving the Rosslyn-Ballston corridor and neighborhoods in the heart of Arlington,
as well as the George Mason University Arlington Campus.

At St. Charles Parish we proclaim, celebrate and live the more abundant life of God through comprehensive formation in the faith, through a rich sacramental and prayer life, and through fellowship in love.  We invite everyone to encounter the faithful of the Church, your sisters and brothers, and through them to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, to experience his peace and joy.

Mass Schedule

Monday - Friday: 7am* & 9am
Saturday: 9am & 5pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am
12pm in Spanish, 6pm


Monday: 6:30 - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 6:30 - 8pm
Friday: 6:30 - 7:00pm
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30pm

Chapel Hours

Monday - Friday: 6am - 9pm
Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 9pm

Parish office hours*

Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm

*Not on Federal Holidays

2025 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA)

The 2025 BLA mailing was recently sent to parishioners. This year’s theme is: “Abounding in Hope.” After reflecting upon the blessings God has given you, please prayerfully consider a pledge. Sharing your gifts with the 40+ ministries and programs funded by the BLA truly impacts the lives of thousands across our diocese.

Our parish is two thirds to our $298,000 goal! We thank everyone who has made a pledge and invite those who haven’t to do so today with the link below.

To learn more about the BLA and the fruit it bears, or to make a gift, click here.


Lent is upon us

Interested in helping with the Stations of the Cross? Learn more here.

Find out how you can deepen your spiritual life through devotions and special events at St. Charles here.

adult volunteers needed for work camp


WorkCamp 2025: June 21-27 - Shenandoah County, Virginia


WorkCamp is a week-long overnight opportunity for high-schoolers from St. Charles and across the Diocese to serve the less fortunate:

  • Adult volunteers and crew members are instrumental in making this a transformational experience for our youth.

  • We need a male adult Crew Leader with the high-schoolers for the week. Crew Leaders spend evenings with St. Charles High Schoolers, leading them in prayer, activities, and programming. During the day, Crew Leaders, together with a contractor, lead a crew of high schoolers from various parishes in making homes “warmer, safer, and drier”.

  • Contact Grace Estes in the parish office at gestes@stcharleschurch.org if you are interested in knowing more about WorkCamp.


Endow is an organization that seeks to promote the Catholic view of women and femininity-that is, how our dignity as daughters of God permeates every aspect of our lives. This is accomplished through small groups of women who deepen their friendship with Christ and one another while studying the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of her saints. During this study, we will diving into Pope St. John Paul II's Letter to Women, giving us an insight on women from the genius behind Theology of the Body.

The group will meet on Saturdays following the 9am Mass beginning on March 29th. The course will run for 8-12 weeks. Exact meeting location TBD. Spots are limited!

Use of a Study Guide ($39.95) is required for this study. Financial assistance is available.

Sign up here!

Join us for a meditative
Lenten concert


Sarah Wilcox and Friends present their recent album, Crucify Him, which tells the story of the Passion of Christ in a captivating way, setting scripture to music to bring the tragic death of our Lord to life. The music portrays the various scenes such as Jesus in the garden, Peter's denial, Jesus' trial and abuse from the religious leaders and Roman soldiers, Simon of Cyrene and the carrying of the cross, the two thieves, Mary and John at the foot of the cross, and Jesus' seven last words before he breathed His last. Sarah hopes to bring a new and deeper meaning to the story both dramatically and emotionally, transporting the listener right to the scene of the cross. Along with Sarah singing and playing piano, you will hear a rich string section, and two other singers, helping to draw out the importance of the words of Christ. You can find the recorded music here if you'd like a sneak peek! Sarah and Friends are excited to present this new project and they hope you will journey with them through the story we know so well, the Passion of Christ. 

The concert will take place on April 4th in the main sanctuary. Join us at 7pm for the Stations of the Cross followed by the concert.

Fr. David’s Camino de Santiago


Fr. David will be leading a pilgrimage along the Via del Norte path of the Camino de Santiago (along the northern coast of Spain). The pilgrimage will be from May 19th-June 1st, although you can come early or stay after on your own.

Learn more or express interest here.



Healing after having an abortion is possible. Any loss or pain you are feeling can be met with compassionate care.

Learn more at helpafterabortion.org I Confidential Helpline: 703.307.0449

Do you or a loved one have special needs?


The Diocese of Arlington is committed to making the Catholic faith available to all. Please help us to
do so by filling out this survey on your experiences.


Adults (ages 18 and older) who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and First Holy Communion but have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation are welcome to register for our 4-week Adult Confirmation Crash Course that will be offered in the Spring prior to the Adult Confirmation held on June 8th in the Diocese of Arlington.

Fill out our Interest Form.

Support Our Mission

Make tax-deductible contributions online through PushPay. Thank you for your generosity!