Marriage Formation Resources


READING (non-fiction)

1. Marriage: The Rock on which the Family Is Built by William May: A great summary of teaching on marriage and family.

2. Men, Women and the Mystery of Love by Edward Sri: Practical insights for marriage.

3. Called to Love by Carl Anderson: A theology of love and marriage.

4. The Temperament God Gave You; The Temperament God Gave Your Spouse; The Temperament God Gave Your Child by Art and Laraine Bennett: Three good guides to knowing ourselves and others.

5. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman: Examines the ways we give and receive love.

6. Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman: The biggest strength of this book is the many exercises at the end of each chapter

7. Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze: Really anything from Dave Ramsey is gold; but this is a great way to teach his lessons to your kids

8. Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend: Invaluable for communication within the family, but also with in-laws, co-workers and life!

9. Three To Get Married by Fulton Sheen: his is a classic! Plain and straight forward. Good imagery, easy and enjoyable to read. A strong and happy marriage has God at the heart and He shows how to make it happen.

10. Intimate Graces / Marriage 911 by Greg & Julie Alexander: Learn from other people’s mistakes before you make them. They were on the brink of divorce and have a solid marriage now.

11. Theology of Her/His Body by Jason Evert: This is a very accessible & down to earth presentation on the good news of sex and marriage.

12. Fill These Hearts by Christopher West: A beautifully deep reflection about how our desires and passions are a gift from God that are meant to point back to Him.

13. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy & Kathy Keller: From an evangelical point of view that draws heavily on the Scriptural foundation for marriage

14. Love & Respect by- Dr Emerson Eggerichs: Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her.

15. A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis: A devoted husband deals with the death of his wife.


1. Humanae Vitae - Pope St. Paul VI

  • Get it straight from the source; very readable defense of natural family planning.

2. Familiaris Consortio - Pope St. John Paul II

  • Our vision of the family.

3. Deus Caritas Est - Pope Benedict XVI

  • Our vision of love.


1.     Cinderella Man: A struggling but ultimately victorious boxer puts his family first.

2.     Up: An animated but tender portrayal of marriage and widowhood.

3.     Shadowlands: Portrays C.S. Lewis’ unconventional marriage and the pain of loss.

4.     Voyage to Italy: A couple drifts apart, then back together.

5.     Yours, Mine and Ours (1968 version): A widower with 10 children marries a widow with 8– and they make one big, happy family!

6.     Once. A great story about love and marital fidelity. Great music, too.

7.     About a Boy. A great meditation on letting go of single life; love is selflessness and putting oneself in harm's way and gaining everything by doing so.

8.     Dear Frankie. Explores the need for a mother and a father.

9.     In America. Portrays beautiful family life and the loss of a child but with great hope.

10.  Penny Serenade. The cross of infertility. Plus, Cary Grant.

11.  Philadelphia Story. Shows the importance of not putting your spouse on pedestal, and of forgiveness.

12.  Brooklyn. Why putting a ring on it matters, and how that defines where you belong.

13.  The King's Speech. Two supportive, loving marriages, contrasted with the selfishness of illicit love.

14.  The Family Way. Saving sex for marriage is important, but sometimes it takes awhile to sort things out after marriage.

15.  The Incredibles. Marriage and family are a heroic endeavor—but disappointment, self- centeredness and lack of communication can obscure this.

16.  A Separation. A searingly honest look at a failing marriage and the fallout for everyone involved.

17.  Make Way For Tomorrow. Honoring marriage begins with honoring father and mother

18.  Coming Home. A haunting story of marital love even when one is no longer recognized by the beloved. Don’t miss the heartrending image of the last shot.

19.  It's a Wonderful Life. The best ever–it has it all.

READING (longer fiction)

1. The Betrothed, by Alessandro Manzoni: A couple in love overcomes many obstacles to marriage.

2. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte: A woman of character perseveres and finds true love.

3. Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen: Travails end in happy matches for resolute women.

4. Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy: Contrasts faithful and unfaithful relationships.

5. Kristen Lavransdatter, by Sigrid Undset: A strong woman of faith keeps her family together.

6. Hannah Coulter, by Wendell Berry. Great meditation on marriage and family life: not a perfect family, but great topics for conversation.

7. The Next Step in the Dance, by Tim Gautreaux. Tale of marriage threatened and healed.

8. Mrs. Mike, by Benedict and Nancy Friedman. Based on true story of love and loss told from the perspective of young bride. Learning what it means to be married. Written by a married couple.

9. The Eliot Family Trilogy, by Elizabeth Gouge. Three heartwarming affirmations of life and love. Warning to the guys: could be considered “chick lit.”

READING (short stories)

1. "Neighbor Rosicky," by Willa Cather. One of Cather’s best: Marriage and family life, sacrifice, suffering, joy, etc...

2. "The Necklace," by Guy de Maupassant. Materialism infecting love.

3. "The Gift of the Magi," by O. Henry. What love is all about: sacrificial gift.

4. "God Made Sunday," by Walter Macken. Beautiful tale of love and loss and redemption and  forgiveness and selflessness and family.

5. "The Quiet Man," by Maurice Walsh. Better than the movie. Be willing to fight for your wife. She wants to be–and must be–loved more than money.

6. "The Father," by Caryll Houslander. Great meditation on forgiveness, family, and the mercy of God the Father. You can't have a family without forgiveness.

7. "The Courtship of Merlin LeBlanc," by Tim Gautreaux. Story about love and responsibility. Some really funny bits, along with really moving ideas.

8. "Welding with Children," by Tim Gautreaux. Another great story about family life and love told from the perspective of an old man and his grandkids.

Articles & Websites:

1. “Natural Marriage vs Sacramental Marriage” by Benedict Nguyen

2. “Love and the Mystery of Sacramental Marriage” by Dietrich von Hildebrand 

3. Any article from this great resource about the disastrous impact of pornography on marriage

4. The “surprise” study from Rutgers University on the link between Cohabitation & Divorce

5. Cohabitation- should we live together? How it doesn’t prepare for marriage…”

6. “3 Modern Obstacles to a Healthy Marriage” by Danielle Bean

7. USCCB; comprehensive resource for couples

8. FORMED; “Beloved 1: Mystery & Meaning of Marriage”; “Beloved 2: Living Marriage”; registration required; parish access code: 7G6RCD

9. BETTER TOGETHER equips you with the tools you need to build a lasting, happy, and faith-filled marriage

10. Life Craft - on marriage, family, household

11. Knights of Columbus; many resources, including monthly meditations

12. Catholic Education Resource Center; a variety of articles of interest

13. Catholic Answers; marriage apologetics and explanations

14. USCCB; defense of marriage

15. Humanum Institute Review; articles