What is a vocation?

A vocation is a call from God to share in His mission in the world. Everyone has a vocation. Sometimes this concept is referred to as “the universal call to holiness,” meaning that all people, everywhere, regardless of the vocation to which God calls them, are all called to be holy. It is in answering this call that we find joy.

There are a variety of paths to achieve this holiness. This section of the website is concerned specifically with the vocations of the priesthood and religious life, though many of the same tools of discernment will also apply to the discernment of other vocations including Holy Matrimony. It is important that all of us learn to listen to the voice of God and seek to follow his will.


upcoming events


November 15-17 - Visit to Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

For more resources or information on vocations, check out the diocesan webpage for vocations.