
Sanctity of Life

Fr. Noah Morey speaks about the sanctity of life and what we can do to uphold it.

This meditation was given on January 23, 2020 at our Night for LIFE, which is an event held before the March for LIFE. The Night for Life begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Welcoming Our Christian Brothers and Sisters: Erin's Conversion Story

Erin Bullock, Director of Sacred Liturgy and Music at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, shares her conversion story.

This meditation was given on January 15, 2020 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Finding Peace

This meditation was given on January 8, 2020 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Come to the Feast

This meditation was given on December 4, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Marriage: What Are the Rules?

Fr. Don speaks about marriage and the rules of marriage touching on natural law, Church law, and civil law.

This meditation was given on November 20, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.


Fr. Dyer speaks on gratitude.

This meditation was given on November 13, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Mission, Compassion, and Christ's Passion

Bulay Miñano, Assistant Director of Evangelization & Media at St. Charles Church,  shares a testimony about her mission in the Philippines.

This meditation was given on October 30, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Examination of Conscience

Fr. Donald Planty, pastor of St. Charles Church, speaks about a daily examination of conscience.

This meditation was given on October 2, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Fr. Dyer gives a meditation “Blessed are the Poor in Spirit.”

This meditation was given on October 9, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Lessons from St. Therese

Fr. Don Planty gives a meditation "Lessons from St. Therese.”

This meditation was given on October 2, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Living Out Our Identity

Guest Priest Fr. David Dufresne speaks about "Living Out Our Identity".

This meditation was given on September 18, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Give Yourself Fully to God

Fr. Rich Dyer speaks about 9/11, Mother Teresa, and giving yourself fully to God.

This meditation was given on September 11, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Learn from Me

Fr. Don Planty gives a meditation "Learn from Me - Matthew 11:29"

This meditation was given on September 5, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Leisure and the Lord's Day (Part 2)

Fr. Don Planty gives the second part of his meditation about the Leisure and the Lord's Day.

This meditation was given on June 5, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Trusting God's Will - Adoption Story

St. Charles Director of Youth Ministry, Francesca Gross gives a meditation "Trusting God's Will: Adoption Story - Jeremiah 29:11"

This meditation was given on August 28, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Leisure and the Lord's Day (Part 1)

Fr. Don Planty gives a meditation about the Leisure and the Lord's Day.

This meditation was given on May 22, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Mental Prayer

Fr. Don gives a meditation about mental prayer.

This meditation was given on May 8, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship