Learn from Me

Fr. Don Planty gives a meditation "Learn from Me - Matthew 11:29"

This meditation was given on September 5, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Leisure and the Lord's Day (Part 2)

Fr. Don Planty gives the second part of his meditation about the Leisure and the Lord's Day.

This meditation was given on June 5, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Trusting God's Will - Adoption Story

St. Charles Director of Youth Ministry, Francesca Gross gives a meditation "Trusting God's Will: Adoption Story - Jeremiah 29:11"

This meditation was given on August 28, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Leisure and the Lord's Day (Part 1)

Fr. Don Planty gives a meditation about the Leisure and the Lord's Day.

This meditation was given on May 22, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Mental Prayer

Fr. Don gives a meditation about mental prayer.

This meditation was given on May 8, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship

The Feminine Genius

Fr. Don gives a meditation about the Feminine Genius.

This meditation was given on May 8, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

In the Footsteps of St. Therese (Part 2)

Fr. Dyer shares the graces he received from a pilgrimage following the path St. Therese took before entering Carmel.

This meditation was given on August 7, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.

Seminarian Mike Sampson's Vocation Story

Mike Sampson, Seminarian of the Diocese of Arlington, shares his vocation story.

This meditation was given on July 31, 2019 at a P3: Prayer, Penance, Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship. 

In the Footsteps of St. Therese

Fr. Dyer shares the graces he received from a pilgrimage following the path St. Therese took before entering Carmel.

This meditation was given on July 24, 2019 at P3: Prayer, Penance, and Pub, which is an event held every Wednesday at St. Charles Church. P3 begins with Eucharistic Adoration with confession available at 6:30pm, a meditation is given at 8:00pm, and after there's a pub time for fellowship.