Volunteer Opportunities
welcome & Hospitality
This ministry:
Welcomes new parishioners after Mass
Helps new (and existing!) parishioners meet other members of the church and navigate the many opportunities at St. Charles
Orders / pick up donuts for First Sunday Donuts
Organizing parish events and celebrations throughout the year
For more information, contact us here:
Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 5:7
event planning
Do you have an interest / skill in party planning or event coordinating? We’d love to have your help. Tasks might include coordinating catering, selecting and acquiring table settings, soliciting set up and clean up volunteers, and more. Click the “Learn More” button to indicate your interest and we’ll reach out to you with more information.
Finance & Administration
Money Counters
The Sunday collections fund the functions of the parish. Money counters assist the parish by counting the Sunday collections Sunday evenings.
Training will be provided.
Pizza is provided.
Click on the “Learn More” button to indicate your interest and someone will reach out to you to tell you more about this imperitive ministry.
Photography, Video Production, Audio, Podcasting Social Media, Graphic Design, Art
Schedule a time Monday through Friday between 8am and 8pm
Are you a graphic designer, photographer, video shooter, audio engineer, artist, social media expert? Do you want to use your skills and talents to help the mission of the parish and contribute to the community? We have lots of opportunities for creative people in the parish and we’d love your help!
Contact Grace Estes gestes@stcharleschurch.org for opportunities like:
Photography and Video opportunities
Graphic design projects
Social media content and management
Podcast Recording and Audio editing
And more…