
Parish Site Redevelopment Study

Following a request from Father Planty, Bishop Burbidge has approved the beginning of a consultative process regarding the possible redevelopment of the St. Charles Borromeo parish site. The consultation seeks to address several challenges:

  • an aging parish infrastructure;
  • the projected growth in the Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor;
  • the need for facilities which better support the parish mission now and in the future.

Bishop Burbidge and Father Planty agreed on the need for thorough consultation with all appropriate stakeholders from the parish and diocese, as well as others who have an interest in the project. All parishioners will be given an opportunity to provide ideas and feedback on the potential project. Details regarding the nature and timing of the consultation will be communicated in the next few weeks.

Bishop Burbidge and Father Planty are excited about this critical phase of discussion and dialogue around the needs of the parish and how to best meet those needs. With the support of our parishioners and stakeholders, it is our hope to move this potential and promising project forward in a timely manner. May the Lord continue to bless us in our mission to share the Good News through St. Charles Parish and the Diocese of Arlington.