July 15, 2018

Dear Parishioners,

Bishop Burbidge has approved the continued exploration of the potential redevelopment of the St. Charles Parish site. We will be conducting further consultations to identify the current and future programmatic needs that should be reflected in any redevelopment efforts.  This will be a large undertaking but I am excited to work with all of you to make this the best process possible.

For this phase, I have appointed and hired Rashad Badr to serve as the Chairman of our Redevelopment Committee.  He is an active parishioner at St. Charles and has volunteered extensively as a member of our Redevelopment Core Team for the last year, putting his professional experience as a consultant and manager to work for our parish.  Rashad has been an important part of the consultations to date and he is well-positioned to help guide this process going forward. 

Rashad will be responsible for coordinating the committee's activities, for ensuring that the committee undertakes a thoughtful and thorough consultation process, for collecting and disseminating important data, and for keeping all stakeholders updated throughout the process.  I am confident that he will help facilitate a great spirit of zeal and collaboration as we work together for the future of our parish.

Your servant in Christ Jesus,

Fr. Don Planty
