Dear Parishioners,
I am happy to report that the consultation phase regarding a potential parish site redevelopment has concluded, having spent ten months soliciting broad feedback from representative parishioners and from diocesan officials, according to a plan approved by Bishop Burbidge. I have submitted a report to the bishop explaining that the consultations resulted in excitement and in a consensus in favor of a redeveloped parish campus which fosters our fundamental mission of comprehensive evangelization, designed with a particular focus on:
Reaching out to and welcoming not only parishioners but also
non-practicing Catholics and non-Catholics
young adults
young families with children
A desire for beauty
for a house of worship of traditional form which is a sign that inspires
for appealing design which draws people in and together
for an oasis of calm in the heart of the city
for an urban campus integrated with the church and with the neighborhood
The need for functionality
for increased activity and meeting areas of different sizes and styles
for supporting integral formation in the faith
for innovative social spaces attractive to young adults
for accessibility for pedestrians and for vehicles
A call to generosity
to form and to engage parishioners' support through their time, talent and treasure
to reach out to and to serve the community with the Gospel of mercy
The responsibility for sustainability providing
longevity of structures
efficient maintenance, energy use and waste management
green spaces
financial stability
The consensus was that the current parish physical plant does not support those aspects of our mission as well as a redeveloped campus could.
A strong majority of parish stakeholders, and all diocesan stakeholders, are enthusiastic about the possibilities that a future redevelopment of the St. Charles site could bring. I am confident that there is a great desire to redevelop our parish campus, and therefore have requested that Bishop Burbidge approve further redevelopment efforts. I remain,
Your servant in Christ Jesus,
Fr. Don Planty